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Case Studies > Case Study

Leveraging Virtual Engagement Tools During a Global Pandemic

Western Australian publisher SO Media launched virtual live trivia competitions to engage their audience during lockdown.

Industry: Publisher 

Client: SO Perth

Solution: Live Trivia


During the 2020 Perth COVID-19 lockdown, SO Perth were looking for a creative way to engage their audience virtually. They also needed to start capturing first-party data from their audience to avoid relying on distinction from third party platforms such as Facebook. 


SO Perth capitalised on the popularity of virtual quiz nights by launching their own weekly Live Trivia game for their audience to enjoy in lockdown and compete for prizes. Each week, SO Perth created a game that was cultural and relevant as enhancing the potential social reach was vital to them in order to drive usage. Once their community submitted thier contact details, they could take part in a 60 question quiz to prove their fandom and knowledge. 

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The virtual quiz nights performed exceptionally on social media, reaching a total 151,758 users. This is due to the relevancy of the quiz topics and drive for users to share their results with their friends. SO Perth was able to capture first-party data from 2,672 follower, which vastly helped their move away from reliance on third party platforms. 


"The perfect scenario where audience meets and engagement platform. Komo provided the perfect partnership allowing SO Perth to build an engaging experience for our audience. The results from the first two campaigns has seen us obtain an additional 2,000 email addresses, see significant growth in followers and reach across our social channels, but more importantly provide a valuable service for our community and 'fun' in such trying time." - Adam Barrell, Founder & CEO

About SO Perth

SO Perth provides a daily dose of Perth. Delivering news and the best things to see, eat, drink and do in Perth and WA.